“Home” is such a great concept. It evokes such great emotions in people. They long for their home when they are away from it – for a few hours or several days. They think of ways to spend more time enjoying it and dream of ways to make their home even more appealing to them than it already is. This is how we can help them.
For starters, helping people remain in their homes is key to their long-term happiness. We know that many people regard their home as an old friend – regardless of the age of the home, how long they have lived in it, or what type of work it might need to retain or regain its vitality. Working with them to maintain that relationship with their home is important to them and to us.
That home represents so many memories to them of life events that have transpired within their home and in their lives while living there – along with the collective experience before they arrived and began living in that home. This includes growing up, attending school, finding their first home or apartment, the home or homes (or apartments) they may have lived in prior to this one, raising a family, and possibly having other family members such as siblings or parents live with them at various times.
As the years pass, people become very attached to living in the home they are in. They don’t welcome the thought of trying to replace that home or having to move from it. We can and do provide answers and solutions to help them accomplish their aim of remaining where they are long-term.
No matter the physical condition of the home that people have presently, or any deficiencies or shortcomings it might have in meeting or accommodating their physical needs (for owners or renters), we know that people want to hang onto and remain living in their present homes for the foreseeable future.
There are several reasons why people choose to remain in their homes, and any one of them is sufficient for us to begin helping them enjoy a safer, more comfortable, more convenient, and more secure home.
People that we help can be of any age or ability. They have just decided – for one or more reasons – that they want to remain living in their current home. We have the ability to improve that home to make it as functional and as serviceable (and more visitable as well) as their needs and budget prescribe.
This is why we like helping people age in place. It allows us to work with those who want to remain in their homes and provides a real service for people to get additional functional use out of a home that may seem to have reached the end of its useful life for them but has plenty of opportunities to provide an effective living space for them in the years to come.
People may find that the space they have is too small for their current needs, that it’s not configured appropriately for them to move about easily, that the doorways or hallways are not wide enough, that they don’t feel secure in standing or moving about in their space, that the appliances or bath fixtures don’t function well for them or are difficult to use, that there is not enough storage space or that they have too much stuff for the space they have, that they can’t climb stairs or enter their home as easily as they could before, find that there are several other issues that need to be addressed to make their homes serve them better.
While budgetary constraints may limit the amount of work that can be done, there are many recommendations and actual solutions that can be implemented to assist people to stay living in their homes. We can be the change agents people need.