If you have taken the CAPS designation courses, if you are an occupational therapist or another health care profession, remodeler, architect, interior designer, ergonomist, or anyone desiring additional coursework or continuing education hours (“CEUs”) in a variety of aging in place topics, Steve Hoffacker CAPS has prepared several unique course offerings for you to complete.
Through original-content one-hour, half-day (3-4 hours), and full-day (5-6-hours) classes, Steve Hoffacker CAPS, focuses on skills, techniques, insights, strategies, and innovations that you can use to start, build, and run your remodeling, home renovation, home assessment, personal services business, or related venture to appeal to your aging in place clients and develop a strategic referral network. All of the classes pertain to the needs of occupational and physical therapy as well as other professionals working with people who are aging in place.
AOTA/CAPS Approved Classes:

“Beyond Your CAPS: What’s Next?”
This Is an original course approved for 5-hours of AOTA continuing education credits and taught in real-time online by Steve Hoffacker CAPS. While designed and approved for occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants, anyone with an interest in aging in place solutions are invited to enroll and participate in the classes. In addition to occupational therapy professionals, this program appeals to physical therapists, interior designers, remodelers, handymen, real estate agents, move managers, senior advisors, contractors, architects, entrepreneurs, and several other professionals.
Discover various directions, models, strategies, tips, income opportunities, and considerations you may want to use as you start or grow your aging in place business.

“Residential Universal Design For Aging In Place”
This Is an original course approved for 4-hours of AOTA continuing education credits. While designed and approved for occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants, anyone with an interest in aging in place solutions, especially from a universal design and accessibility perspective, are invited to take the classes. This includes physical therapists, interior designers, real estate agents, architects, move managers, senior advisors, contractors, remodelers, handymen, architects, ergonomists, and several other professionals.
Study various directions, concepts, and strategies for creating living spaces and interior treatments (new construction or existing homes) to allow anyone of any ability to use and enjoy equally well. Universal design is a relatively new concept that is often misunderstood or misapplied. Learn from a seasoned expert what universal design can do for your clients and the marketplace.

“The Transition Feature In Aging In Place Design’ Creating Safety, Organization, & Function”
This Is an original specialty course designed and taught by Steve Hoffacker CAPS and approved for 3-hours of AOTA continuing education credits. While designed and approved for occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants, anyone with an interest in aging in place solutions, especially from an accessibility, comfort, safety, convenience, and organizational perspective, are invited to take this short class. This includes physical therapists, interior designers, real estate agents, architects, move managers, senior advisors, contractors, interior designers, decorators, handymen, architects, organization specialists, ergonomists, case managers, and other home modification and safety professionals.
Learn how to help anyone have a safer, better organized, and more convenient living space for themselves and those visiting them – often with a very low expenditure.

“Free Informational Programs“
This original webinar program offered by Steve Hoffacker CAPS some 10 times each year features different topics and various presenters who are experts in their fields. This course is approved for 1-hour of AOTA continuing education credit each and may be taken as often as desired. There is an online live version presented every five-six weeks, as well as the archived recorded version. Both count the same. While designed and approved for occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants, anyone with an interest in aging in place solutions and topics is invited to participate in the classes.
These programs are appropriate for occupational therapists, physical therapists, interior designers, durable medical equipment providers and manufacturers, real estate agents, architects, move managers, senior advisors, contractors, remodelers, handymen, university faculty, architects, ergonomists, case managers, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and several other professionals.

“Evaluating Assessments For Aging In Place”
ThIs original specialty course created and taught by Steve Hoffacker CAPS is approved for 6-hours of AOTA continuing education credits. While much of the material is designed and created for occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants, anyone with a Certified Aging In Place Specialist (CAPS) designation will benefit from this course. This includes physical therapists, interior designers, real estate agents, architects, move managers, senior advisors, case managers, contractors, remodelers, insurance adjusters, architects, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and several others.
One of the first orders of business in learning about someone’s current needs for aging in place is to conduct a home assessment, audit, or evaluation in some form. This class addresses basic strategies and advanced ones also with dozens of examples illustrated.

“Establishing Accessory Dwelling Units For Aging In Place”
This is an original course created and offered by Steve Hoffacker CAPS that is approved for 4-hours of AOTA continuing education credits. Known alternately as accessory or auxiliary dwelling units, this class is designed to help occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants, physical therapists, interior designers, real estate agents, architects, case managers, move managers, senior advisors, real estate agents, contractors, architects, remodelers, consultants, organizers, and several other professionals work with people who want to have aging family members living near them under the same roof or on their property.
Examine various concepts, directions, solutions, objectives, and strategies for creating an additional living space for the homeowner with their existing property to accommodate a range of needs, ages, and abilities of aging family members or close friends they want to have close to them. Design strategies and marketing concepts are revealed.